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Intergenerational Dialogues & Events

(all events are coordinated by Points Of View’s Principal Partner, Dr. James Gambone)

Current Projects

Dr. Gambone continues his intergenerational dialogue work in a variety of ways…
He is teaching and mentoring two different generations of future public health leaders around the world through Capella University. There, he promotes the Dialogue Process as a public health outreach tool and, through his undergraduate and doctoral level courses, teaches the importance of approaching all public health issues through a generational and intergenerational lens.

Dr. Gambone is also participating in a variety of national intergenerational conversations started by Gen2Gen. As part of that effort, he is looking to organize an intergenerational “Poetry Slam” at Gen2Gen’s national meeting in 2021.

Past Projects

KFAI Radio – “Communicating Across the Generations: a conversation with Dr. James Gambone”
Discussion with Jim Gambone on how intergenerational thinking may heal cultural rifts in our society.
KFAI Radio, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Intergenerational Dialogue Community Training
Huntington, IN

Intergenerational Conversation about the future of the City of Orono, MN – community planning event with residents of Orono
Orono, MN

Presentation of paper “Together for Tomorrow: Building Community Through Intergenerational Dialogue and Action” at the Times of Our Lives Global Conference
Mansfield College, Oxford University, Oxfordshire, England

“Strengthening Families, Youth and Communities Across the Lifespan: Building a Network of Prevention – Generation by Generation” – keynote address at the Wisconsin State Prevention Conference
Steven's Point, Wisconsin

“Generations Colliding in the Workplace” – keynote address at the national conference of the Physician Insurers Association of America
Santa Monica, CA

“ReFire Your Faith, ReFire Your Life” keynote address for Significant Living Conference
Duluth, MN

“Reducing the Disparity in Graduation Rates in the Worthington Area” address
Worthington, MN

“Challenging Racial Stereotypes” address
Milwaukee, WI

Intergenerational Dialogue Training for Northland Foundation
Duluth, MN

SW Minnesota Foundation – Advanced Intergenerational Leadership Training
Granite Falls, MN

Intergenerational Dialogue on Immigration
sponsored by the Worthington Integration Collaborative,  Worthington, MN

Unfair Drug Sentencing – a Dialogue and Training Session
Sumter, SC

Military Kids Radio
helping kids in the military establish their own pod-casting radio station and developing a national model for other “Kids in the Military” web-based radio projects, Sumter, SC

Delivering the Distinguished Scholar Lecture on the Future of Intentional Intergenerational Ministry & Dialogue
Concordia University, Irvine, CA

Two-Day Training Session on Intentional Intergenerational Ministry & Dialogue – for Rocky Mountain Conference of the Assemblies of God Church, Aurora, CO

Kairos Seminar on Equiping Pastors and Lay Leaders on Intentional Intergenerational Ministry & Dialogue
Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN

“Recruiting Younger Generations Into Traditional Organizations” – an Intergenerational Dialogue sponsored by The Junior League of Duluth, Duluth, MN

Keynote Speaker (Jim Gambone) – South Carolina Association of Food and Consumer Sciences
Myrtle Beach, SC

Keynote Speaker – South Carolina Conference on Building Youth Assets
Myrtle Beach, SC

Keynote Speaker – Virgina Citizen's Corp Conference on Homeland Security
Richmond, VA

Keynote Speaker – Virgina Department of Corrections: Improving Citizen Involvement in Homeland Security
Virgina Beach, VA

Keynote Speaker – New York Citizen's Corp Annual Conference – Building Safer Neighborhoods in Communities Through Intergenerational Dialogue and Action
Albany, NY

Keynote Speaker – National Association of Food and Consumer Sciences – Building Healthier Communities by Bringing Generations Together and Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations International Year of the Family
San Diego, CA

Facilitating the Edina Community Dialogue on Chemical and Mental Health Concerns Across the Generations
Edina, MN

Named the Aging Contributor for the National Clergy Journal – A professional resource for mainline Protestant clergy and lay leaders.

Facilitated the Edina Community Dialogue – “The Good Life in Edina: What does it mean?”

Facilitated the Kershaw County Intergenerational Dialogue on how to prevent teen pregnancy
Kershaw County, SC

Keynoted the Annual Citizen's Corp National Conference – “Improving Citizen Participation From All Generations in Homeland Security”
Washington D.C.

ReFirement Support Group Facilitator
Calvary Lutheran Church, Golden Valley, MN

Featured Guest on American Express Radio Program
Twin Cities, MN

Speaker at Capella University Board of Director's Meeting
Naples, FL

Keynote Address at the Minnesota Health and Housing Association Statewide Conference – “ReFiring Intergenerational Communities”
Mpls, MN

Intergenerational Workshop for the 3rd Stage Center
Incarnation Lutheran Church, Shoreview, MN

Homeland Security Intergenerational Dialogue
Winter Park and Maitland, FL

Homeland Security Intergenerational Dialogue
Red Wing, MN

Breakfast Speech on ReFirement
Downtown Club, Mpls, MN

Intergenerational Dialogue – “Our Community, Our Children, Our Future”
Baudette, MN

Intergenerational Leadership Training
Ag Extension Leaders of Nebraska

Intergenerational Thinking – National Webcast Presentation
Capella University

Intergenerational Dialogue Training for Anti-Smoking Professionals of Illinois
Naperville, IL

ReFirement Evening
Wayzata Community Church, Wayzata, MN

Keynote Address – Minnesota Association of Financial Advisors Statewide Conference
Mpls, MN

ReFirement Retreat – Nesters and Friends Group
Christ Presbyterian Church, Izatys Resort, Mille Lacs, MN

Making Tobacco History in Illinois – Statewide Video Teleconference and Keynote Address
Naperville, IL

Panelist on U.S. Anti-Terrorism Task Force Educational Forum
Mpls, MN

20th Anniversary Showing of the Intergenerational Community Dramatic Film “Foreclosure”
Milan, MN

Intergenerational Dialogue on Future of Family Farming in America
Milan, MN

Concordia University Intergenerational Dialogue – “Concordia: Our Past, Present, and Future”
St. Paul, MN

Please e-mail us at mail@pointsofviewinc.com for further information on conferences, presentations, and training programs conducted by Jim Gambone.

For specific information on how communities & organizations, corporations, or communities of faith can be more intergenerational in thinking and action, go to these pages:

Communities & Organizations

Our intergenerational consulting is customized for the needs of each community or organization and includes a process that assists in disaster relief.


Our corporate consulting is customized for the needs of each client and is particularly focused on generational diversity within the company.

Communities of Faith

Our Intergenerational Dialogue Process is designed to help strengthen your community of faith through intentional intergenerational ministry.