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Intergenerational Consulting & Dialogue Process
for Communities & Organizations

Our intergenerational consulting is customized for the needs of each community or organization and includes a process that assists in disaster relief.

Our intergenerational consulting is customized for the needs of each community or organization. Our clients have included: The National Council on Family Relations; The Minnesota Gerontological Society; Area Agencies on Aging in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois, South Carolina, Florida and Wisconsin; State Departments on Aging in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Florida, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvannia, New York, and California; over 50 school districts across the country; numerous community-based grass-roots organizations; The Concord Coalition; The Illinois Volunteer Network; National Senior Volunteer Corps; AmeriCorp; America's Promise; Wisconsin and Kansas Intergenerational Networks; United Way of Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and California; Cardinal Stritch University; CapellaLearning.edu; The Gray Panthers; The Third Millennium; The AARP; Generation's United; The British Columbia Council on the Family; The Global Conference on Generations; Age Concern of Great Britain; among others.


Build intergenerational resources in your community or organization, by hosting a training event for up to 50 people. A typical training day looks like this:

Agenda (Breaks are included as needed)
8:30-9:00 - Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:20 - Introductions and Circle of Generations
9:20-9:30 - Scenario
9:30-11:00 - Generational Panels
11:00-11:30 - Intergenerational Small Groups Develop Recommendations
11:30-12:15 - Lunch
12:15-1:30 - Organizing the Dialogue Itself
1:30-2:30 - Community Organizing Strategy
2:30-3:00 - Customizing the Dialogue For Your Community, Questions and Answers

Cost: Varies according to organization or community's needs. An extra half-day of training is also available to focus exclusively on facilitator skills. Please e-mail us at mail@pointsofviewinc.com.

You will find a complete guide for organizing your own Intergenerational Dialogue in your community or organization in our book Together for Tomorrow. Our booklet Generations is a good resource for understanding the importance of a generational approach to community and organization issues. See our SHOP page for information on how to order this booklet and other helpful resources.

Disaster Relief
Intergenerational consulting, training, and Intergenerational Dialogues have been used very successfully in dealing with disaster relief. We have been a part of disaster relief efforts for significant Missouri, Louisiana, and North Dakota floods; and we have been an important part of the recovery efforts after the devastating tornadoes in St. Peter and Comfrey, Minnesota. Our clients have included: FEMA; Lutheran Disaster Response; and State Disaster Agencies in North Dakota, Minnesota, Louisiana, and Missouri.

Past Intergenerational Dialogue topics have included: family violence • respect and responsibility • elder fear • gang violence • entitlements • disaster relief • community empowerment • communication • neighborhood safety • increasing productivity in the workplace • bridging racial & cultural differences. See our previous and future Intergenerational Dialogues and Events.

Please e-mail us at mail@pointsofviewinc.com for further information on our customized consulting and training programs.

For specific information on how corporations or faith communities can be more intergenerational in thinking and action, go to these pages:


Our corporate consulting is customized for the needs of each client and is particularly focused on generational diversity within the company.

Communities of Faith

Our Intergenerational Dialogue Process is designed to help strengthen your community of faith through intentional intergenerational ministry.