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Who says men don't care?
A man's guide for balanced and guilt-free caregiving
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D. and Rhonda Travland
©2012, Points Of View Inc., published by Elder Eye Institute Press, Crystal Bay, MN; paperback, 124 pages
A REAL BREAKTHROUGH FOR MALE CAREGIVERS… A CAREGIVING GUIDE WRITTEN EXCLUSIVELY FOR MEN! What kind of caregiver are you? Are you the Manager, the Searcher, the Loner, the Techno-Virtual Caregiver, or some combination of all of the above? You can find out with the new Guide for male caregivers. While there are many excellent caregiving resources available for all kinds of diseases and illnesses, Who Says Men Don’t Care? is unique because it is written specifically for four generations of male caregivers. The premise of the Guide is that men care differently than women, and these differences present both opportunities and potential problems in all male caregiving situations. Knowing who you are can make you a healthier and more balanced caregiver.
$20.20 each (USD), plus shipping, handling, and any applicable sales tax.
To purchase, click on the book image and you will be sent to our book fulfillment page at Amazon.com.

Together for Tomorrow
Building Community Through Intergenerational Dialogue
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D.
©1997, updated fifth edition ©2015, Points Of View Inc., published by Elder Eye Institute Press, Crystal Bay, MN; paperback, 202 pages
Together for Tomorrow: Building Community Through Intergenerational Dialogue, is a guide and information resource to help you break down isolation and separation between the generations. It presents a proven process for community building: the Intergenerational Dialogue™ process. Intergenerational Dialogue is a tool for joining all ages, cultures, races, genders and economic classes in problem solving and joint action.
In its fifth edition, this easy-to-use guide is a valuable resource for anyone working in the areas of: intergenerational programming; family relations; health and long term care; community education; community organizing; human relations training; public policy; healthy community initiatives; violence, alcohol, and drug prevention; social work; agricultural extension; aging networks; diversity initiatives; and homeland security.
The book contains:
- Background on the Intergenerational Movement
- Issues Facing the Movement Today
- 12 Key Intergenerational Dialogue Organizing Steps
- Follow-up – Moving the Dialogue to Action
- Outcomes from Previous Dialogues
- A Dialogue Sampler on the Issue of Family Violence
- Discussion About Diversity and Dialogue
- How to Build an Intergenerational Movement
- Copyright-free documents you can photocopy for your own use in your community or organization, including: Qualities of a Good Facilitator; A Dialogue Process Timeline; Suggested Agenda for Four Dialogue Planning Meetings; A Dialogue Room Diagram; Diversity Grid; What Is A Good Scenario?; Generational Groups by Age; How to Develop Cross-Generational Questions; Sample Invitation and Information Brochure; Sample Evaluation; and Past Dialogue Topics.
$15.56 each (USD), plus shipping, handling, and any applicable sales tax.
To purchase, click on the book image and you will be sent to our book fulfillment page at Amazon.com.

Find What’s Next for You
Business Owners Share Their Transition Stories
by Steve Coleman and James Gambone
©2014, published by Elder Eye Institute Press, Crystal Bay, MN; paperback, 104 pages
In this book, small- and medium-size business owners representing many business sectors—including service, manufacturing, production and distribution—share their succession experiences when transitioning from the companies they formed and managed for decades. Their successes, failures, and “lessons learned,” make up the core of this timely book. It's an easy-to-read guidebook for what to do and what not to do when planning a business transition.
$20.25 each (USD), plus shipping, handling, and any applicable sales tax.
To purchase, click on the book image and you will be sent to our book fulfillment page at Amazon.com.

All Are Welcome
A Primer for Intentional Intergenerational Ministry and Dialogue
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D.
©2015, second edition, Points Of View Inc., published by Elder Eye Institute Press, Crystal Bay, MN; paperback, 176 pages
All Are Welcome: A Primer for Intergenerational Ministry and Dialogue, is designed to be used by communities of faith. This book demonstrates how to break down isolation and separation between the 6 living generations found in congregations. It presents the Intergenerational Dialogue™ process as a proven tool for joining all ages, cultures, races, genders and economic classes in Intentional Intergenerational Ministry (IIM).
In its second edition, this 176 page, paperback book is a valuable resource for anyone working in the areas of: congregational education; stewardship; congregational revitalization and turnaround; missions; seminary education; community outreach; public policy; healthy community initiatives; asset development for youth and families; social ministry; spirituality and aging networks; and diversity initiatives.
The book contains:
- Background on the Intentional Intergenerational Ministry Movement
- Issues Facing the Movement Today
- 12 Key Intergenerational Dialogue Organizing Steps
- Follow-up – Moving the Dialogue to Action
- Outcomes from Previous Dialogues
- A Dialogue Sampler on the Issue of Meaning and Happiness in Our Lives
- Discussion About Diversity and Dialogue
- How to Build an Intentional Intergenerational Ministry Movement
- Copyright-free documents you can photocopy for your own use in your community or organization, including: Position Description – Director of IIM; Qualities of a Good Facilitator; A Dialogue Process Timeline; Suggested Agenda for Four Dialogue Planning Meetings; A Dialogue Room Diagram; Diversity Grid; What Is A Good Scenario?; Generational Groups by Age; How to Develop Cross-Generational Questions; Sample Registration Sheet; and Sample Evaluation.
$26.70 each (USD), plus shipping, handling, and any applicable sales tax.
To purchase, click on the book image and you will be sent to our book fulfillment page at Amazon.com.

by James V. Gambone, Ph.D.
©2020 (update), James V. Gambone: published by Points Of View Productions Inc.; saddlestitched, 8 pages
Generations is an informative, 8-page booklet that discusses the essential differences between the 5 currently living generational groups. The brochure shows what a 10–14-year-old of the GI, Adaptive, Boomer, GenX, and Millennial generations experienced politically, economically, culturally and socially as they formed—and in the case of the Millennials, are forming—their basic value system.
$6.00 each (USD), plus shipping/handling and sales tax, if applicable. To purchase, click on the Add to Cart button and you will be sent to a cart at PayPal.com where you may enter the number of booklets you want and complete your purchase. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION.
ReFirement Products & Publications
Order books by clicking on the book image and you will be sent to Amazon.com to make your purchase. All other items may be purchased through our secure PayPal shopping cart by clicking on the Add to Cart button below the item. When you press the Add to Cart button, you will be routed to a secure PayPay® shopping cart page where you can select the quantity you desire. The Shopping Cart gives you the option of returning to shop for more items and add them to your cart. For more information on how to purchase, and to learn about our shipping and customer service policies, go to our How to Order page.

ReFire Your Life!
A guide for those who can't retire — or don't want to
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D.
©2011, Points Of View Inc.: published by Elder Eye Institute Press, Crystal Bay, MN; paperback, 205 pages (formerly titled “ReFirement: A Boomer's Guide to Life After 50”)
ReFire Your Life! presents readers with a positive and optimistic vision of how to live a meaningful life as they grow older and leave a valuable legacy for future generations. It provides an exciting platform for everyone facing the challenges and opportunities of mid-life. This book is engaging, practical, and life-transforming.
$16.20 each (USD), plus shipping and sales tax. To purchase ReFire Your Life!, click on the book image and you will be sent to our book fulfillment page at Amazon.com.

The ReFirement Workbook
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D., Debbie Magnuson, and Erica Whittlinger
©2004, ReFirement Inc. and Personnel Decisions International. Published by PDI, Mpls, MN; paperback, 100 pages
Jim Gambone, author of ReFire Your Life! has teamed up with Erica Whittlinger, Debby Magnuson, and Personnel Decisions International to create The ReFirement Workbook.
No matter what your stage of life, you can make plans and take steps to change to ReFire! your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, and your spirit. The ReFirement Workbook is full of insights, real-life examples, and exercises that will help you:
- Reconnect with your values
- Rediscover your passions
- Determine what spirits you and what holds you back
Even if you've read the original ReFirement book, you will find new exercises and more ReFirement life strategies to help you create the life you want—at whatever stage of life you're in.
$17.95 each (USD), plus shipping/handling and sales tax, if applicable. To purchase, click on the Add to Cart button and you will be sent to a cart at PayPal.com where you may enter the number of workbooks you want and complete your purchase. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Generations in the Workplace
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D.
©2020 (update), James V. Gambone: published by ReFirement Inc., Mpls, MN; saddlestitched, 8 pages
- How can employers attract, retain, motive and inspire workers of different ages?
- How do you keep workers fired up and motivated until they retire?
- How can you facilitate knowledge transfer between older and younger workers?
By outlining the 5 living generations, this booklet helps you to understand why there are generational differences in the workplace and offers tips for how to use that knowledge to create more innovative recruitment and retention policies, flexible work environments, and workplaces of destination where people from all generations are attracted.
$6.00 each (USD), plus shipping/handling and sales tax, if applicable. To purchase, click on the Add to Cart button and you will be sent to a cart at PayPal.com where you may enter the number of booklets you want and complete your purchase. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION.

The 75% Factor: Uncovering Hidden Boomer Values
A report challenging assumptions about the Baby Boomer Generation
by James V. Gambone, Ph.D. and Erica Whittlinger
©James V. Gambone: published by ReFirement Inc., Mpls, MN; PDF–delivered electronically, 20 pages
Despite everything written and broadcast about Baby Boomers, one major fact has been overlooked by experts and the media: Nearly 75 percent, or about 57 million Boomers, come from economically poor, working class or small family-owned business roots. These findings are highlighted in this report co-written by James V. Gambone Ph.D and Erica Whittlinger.
$12.00 each (USD), plus sales tax. To purchase, click on the Add to Cart button and you will be sent to a cart at PayPal.com where you may enter the number of reports you want and complete your purchase. Please allow up to 24 hours for the report to arrive in your email box. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS ARE AVAILABLE. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION.